mash up supplies for sarah 2016 2

For this year’s #Supplies4Sarah we’ve got something new! Mr. Lee would like to get his kindergarteners involved in planting a garden to teach them about how things grow as a fun science/nutrition project.  Please see the wish lists below for exactly what you can contribute to help both classrooms this year! Thank you in advance for your generosity in helping these wonderful kids and teachers!

Keep track of what’s been given and join the movement on Facebook here!

Send supplies to:

Send supplies to: Ms. Geierman and Mr. Lee
c/o Ramona Elementary
1133 N. Mariposa Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90029


Ms. Geiermans’ 3rd Grade Classroom Wish List (25 students)

Classroom Supplies

Colored pencils
Black sharpies
Colored sharpies
Metallic watercolors
Black China markers
Fun stickers for prizes! Cute/Animals/Scratch and Sniff etc…
Fun pencils for prizes!
Multicolored tissue/crepe paper
Tracing paper
Graph paper
5160 Avery labels
File folders standard and legal size
Pocket folders

Any poetry book by Shel Silverstein
The Giving Tree

A Cricket In Times Square

Stone Fox
Books with Cd for music appreciation

Gift cards


Mr. Lee’s Kindergarten Classroom Wish List (23 students)


Snap pea seeds

Radish seeds

Cherry tomato seeds

Zinnia or Nasturtium flower seeds

Armstrong Nursery gift cards for supplies

Home Depot gift cards for any of these supplies

Potting soil (I’m guessing at 6-10 large bags)

6 large containers for the tomatoes

6 tomato cages


play doh
party-favor-type items
white copy paper