Usually I have people do random acts of kindness for my birthday month, but THIS year, I’m asking you all to do a specific act of kindness.

Through the Screen Actors Guild Foundation’s BookPALS program, I’ve had the privilege to meet Mr. Lee’s 2nd grade and Ms. Geierman’s 3rd grade students at Ramona Elementary School. This is an underserved school, so the teachers have been digging into their own pockets to help fill in the gaps, but their valiant efforts aren’t enough! We all need to pitch in!

For my birthday, I’m asking all of you to donate school supplies from the lists below. I’ve included the address to send it to (the teachers will share the supplies), so it goes right to them. If you can’t help monetarily, please share this event with the hashtag #Supplies4Sarah! Tweet it, Facebook it, instagram it, Pin it…you get the idea!

Send supplies to:

Ms. Geierman and Mr. Lee
c/o Ramona Elementary
1133 N. Mariposa Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Ms. Geierman’s Wish List (22 3rd grade students)

Watercolor brushes
Heavier gauge art paper suitable for using with paint
Crayola multicultural crayons
Black markers for outlining
Pastels (oil or chalk)
Scratch art paper (colored paper covered with black that can be scratched off)

Books suitable to read aloud to 3rd graders (ex. Stuart Little, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, The Giving Tree, The Tale of Despereaux, etc.)

The Witches as a set of plays
Any books of plays for children

Mr. Lee’s Wish List (24 students)

Oil Pastel Crayons
Charcoal Pencils
Construction Paper in all colors
Small pencil/crayon boxes

Books suitable for 2nd graders

*Note from Sarah: I think it’s safe to say, Mr. Lee would love some of the things on Ms. Geierman’s list too!*