What a year this has been and it’s only February! I’ve already gotten my first avail for a commercial for this year and am looking forward to seeing that particular casting team again. The auditions have been really interesting so far and it’s been fun to read scripts and meet new people.
This year’s Super Bowl was a pretty intense game, which I got to watch with some new friends. As an added bonus, I was asked to be a part of a special Super Bowl podcast from comedian and host, Ken Napzok. Check out our interview about rude cats and sexy queso below:
My birthday project was a huge success!!! Friends, family, and new friends donated school supplies and gift cards to Ms. Geierman and Mr. Lee’s classrooms, much to the elation of the 2nd and 3rd grade students who found out that people care about them all the way from South Africa to New York City!
These are just SOME of the art supplies and literature that the kids are going to get to use this year thanks to all of your generous donations!
You can view more of their artwork and see some of the great supplies and well wishes that people sent from all around the globe HERE.
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